yamaha 02r


Since October 1997, the 02R operating system v.2 replaced the previous one for the 02R standard production. 02R v.1 owners can easily upgrade their desks buying the 02R v.2 upgrade kit (2 EPROM + install and operative manual).

Main features of the 02R v.2 are the followings:

Assignable inputs. A series of 8x8 input-to-channel matrix allows to assign freely the desired input to any channel (within the matrix limits). A single input can be assigned to more channels at the same time: this allows to obtain signal copies on separated channels for several uses (i.e. side chains, etc.). Is also possible to readress the bus masters to the tape channels in order to obtain a separated and parallel mixing section (similar to a matrix section).

Assignable outputs. Aux Send and Stereo Master channels can be routed to the digital outputs supplied by the optional YGDAI cards. At the same time, Bus Masters can be routed to the built-in AUX 1-6 analog outputs.

24-Bit recording. 24-bit recording is now possible on 16-bit MDM units as Alesis Adat xt or Tascam DA-88 (this job requires 2 standard tracks for every 24-bit track created, for a maximum of 4 playing tracks).

MS decoding. Paired channels can be used with mid-side mics.

Realtime fader group control. The related levels inside a fader group can be instantly modified without the need to recall the group page on the LCD display.

Fader touch sensing. Thanks to a new on/off option, channel select operations can be now managed by the system simply moving the faders (no need to press the [SELECT] key on the correspondent channel). The same can be done (with a separate option) also during automix sessions.

MIDI Control Change / MIDI Remote. In addition to SysEx messages, 02R can now recognize also Control Change messages for an easy remote control of faders, pan, EQ, etc. via MIDI.
At the same time, 02R can also be used as a MIDI remote controller: a series of remote pages allow to control external units as ProR3 and REV500 Yamaha effects or external audio workstation as Digidesign Pro Tools (levels, pan and transport can be remoted). MIDI remote operations can also be recorded as part of the 02R Automix data.

MIDI Machine Control. MMC-compatible recorders can be remoted directly by the 02R. The new MMC page includes 8 locators that can be programmed manually or through the Time Code Capture method.

Surround. The 02R can now manage surround mixing sessions. 2+2, 3+1 and 5+1 systems are supported with graphic interface, programmable trajectories and Automix recording facilities.

Automix functions upgrade (Post-Pro applications).
New features are available, including:
- Automix Copy e Move, to edit the structure of the automix session;
- Time Code Offset to sync the 02R automix to the time code of external units (useful for audio-video applications);
- Time Code Capture, to copy on the fly specific time code positions during playback;
- Automix Off-line Editing, to revise and correct Automix data in off-line status;
- Fader Edit Out End, to implement additional fader automatic behaviors during Automix sessions. For example, when a recording operation is stopped, this function assumes to let the fader in the last position, erasing all the following data eventually existing after the stop time location.

Extended Scene memory. Scene memories were increased from 64 to 96.