tascam tmd4000

The automation software is not included in the TM-D4000 operating system, but is an independent item supplied in bundle with an RS422 card to be installed in a PC Win95/98 compatible computer.

Operating system and automation software upgrades are available at the following address:

The software main window displays a virtual console including the 32 mixer channels, the Master Out and the 6 level and Cut (Mute) Sub-Groups.

All faders and controls settings can be performed directly by the mixer or with the mouse.

Each channel includes Solo, Cut and Pan controls, automation mode, Sub-Groups routing, dB level indicator and channel label.

The parameters editing is displayed in real time on the screen, due to the RS-422 high data transfer rate (192 Kbps).

Four automation modes are available: Write, Read, Update and Manual.

This window displays a channel parametric EQ curve; on the bottom the usual editing parameters are available: Gain, Frequency and Q.

The EQ can also work as Shelving, Notch, Low-pass and High-pass type.

This window includes an EQ on/off switch and 4 Flat buttons, that reset the gain of the selected band to 0dB, without affecting the other parameters settings.

Two different screens can be alternatively recalled to display the 6 Aux Send settings, respectively for channels 1-16 and channels 17-32.

On the other hand, the 2 stereo return sends are always displayed.

In the automation mode, the Fader, Cut, EQ, Aux and Pan controls can be individually enabled for automix recording or playback.

The automation function is compatible with all Timecode formats.

The Timecode can be internally generated as well as being received from an external unit thru the relevant TC port.